Venereal Disease Control Officer (3155) Enlisted Personnel

Initiates and directs measures to prevent and control venereal disease and advises medical staffs and other officers on various phases of prevention and control. Coordinates activities of military and civilian governing authorities in elimination of prostitution and prevention of venereal disease; instructs military personnel in proper administration of prophylaxis and inspects Army prophylactic stations, observing attendants at work to insure that their treatments are proper and their training is adequate; investigates cases of venereal disease to determine sources of infection and discover any laxity in application of control measures; insures continuity of treatment of cases of venereal disease by maintaining liaison between unit commanders and treating agencies; interviews officers and enlisted men to determine whether or not Army Regulations concerning VD control are being followed; works in cooperation with local health authorities in venereal disease control measures and recommends invocation of the May Act when necessary. Military experience desirable. Civilian experience should include 2 years residency or private practice concerned with control of Venereal Disease problems. 2 years service in Medical Department will be accepted in lieu of indicated civilian experience. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.

Alternate nomenclatures:

  • VD Officer