The US Army during World War II relied heavily on canvas tentage, and the Quartermaster Corps stocked a wide array of specially-designed tents for a variety of uses. From individual shelters to large canvas Hospital Ward tents, our selection of tentage and related articles will help living historians in their search for an accurate camp display.

Tent Pitching: Shelter Tent
Every soldier in the US Army was issued with half a Shelter Tent, which he carried with him in the field. It could act as a temporary shelter over a foxhole, or shared with a fellow serviceman to create a complete tent.

Tent Pitching: M1934 Pyramidal Tent
Officially designated as "Tent, Fire-Resistant, Pyramidal, M-1934, Olive Drab", the Pyramidal Tent was originally developed to house an Infantry squad. Learn how to pitch, strike and fold it correctly.
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